ALFRABO [J2015]-R2021-(angielska)

Bearing in mind the purpose, context and supporting the strategic direction of the „ALFRABO” Repair and Construction Plant s.c. the following quality policy is established:

  • obtain maximum customer satisfaction by carrying out construction and welding works and services in a manner that ensures their full compliance with the established requirements and with the requirements of legal and regulatory provisions,
  • provide equipment, equipment, materials and appropriate infrastructure suitable for the work being carried out,
  • involve your own, highly qualified and systematically trained staff to prepare and perform work,
  • improve the technology and organization of work with full care for safety
    and hygienic working conditions and the environment,
  • constantly improve customer service in terms of contacts, scope of work as well as warranty and post-warranty service,
  • identify the latest legal and regulatory requirements, technical standards, fire safety and OHS regulations and implement them immediately,
    perform all orders and contracts reliably and on time,
    constantly improve the quality management system.

Based on the above quality policy, a quality goal plan is created for each year, and the goals and tasks set out in it are monitored and accounted for.


Franciszek Bolech